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Judie’s Latest Commentary
Losing Our Moral Sanity
By Judie Brown If you are at all a fan of logic and common sense, then you already know that the current era in which we live is reticent when it comes to teaching, let alone living the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of God. We mention this simply because without comprehending the value of such virtues, terrible things can...
More Judie Brown Commentary
Empty-Headed Nonsense
St. Paul told the Ephesians that they should not go on living an empty-headed life. America needs to hear his message today more than ever. There are copious reasons for avoiding the misinformation that proliferates almost daily, but the following examples should...
The Trouble with Doctor Anthony Fauci
How often have we heard the “trust the science” comment when discussing the COVID-19 dictates of our government? It seems that even in his state of confusion, Biden can tell America that his COVID policy is based on “science, not politics.” But one of his...
Devoutly Corrupt: Part Two
In part one of this two-part series, we told you about some of the prominent elected Catholic officials who dabble in killing our fellow human beings. These incluce Congressional House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, President Joe Biden, New Mexico state...
Devoutly Corrupt: Part One
Nancy Pelosi, a 2014 recipient of Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger Award, insists that she is a devout Catholic. Her words mean nothing, of course, because her actions expose her devotion to killing babies. As Pelosi says, she would never...
Child Martyrs Can Show Bishops the Way
By Judie Brown Stories of the bravery of saints can motivate Catholic bishops to do wonderful things for their flock and for the world. For instance, there is an amazing story of an 11-year-old Chinese girl named Li who, during the Boxer Rebellion of 1900, was praying...
Jab: A COVID Vaccine Train Wreck
By Judie Brown Pro-life Americans have been laser focused on the morally questionable development of the various COVID-19 vaccines, all of which employ aborted baby cells either in their development, their manufacturing, or both. Further, the COVID-19 vaccines have...