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American Life League


Struggling to keep up with the latest pro-life news? American Life League can send updates straight to your inbox! Our email newsletters include alerts about important pro-life developments, daily spiritual encouragement, and biweekly updates about our efforts to stop Planned Parenthood.

For uplifting stories and educational articles, subscribe to Celebrate Life Magazine, our quarterly print magazine that will inspire and equip you to build a culture of life. You can also receive exclusive updates about our work and programs through ALL News, our bimonthly, supporters-only print newsletter.

ALL News

Our print newsletter is mailed to all active American Life League supporters six times a year. This four-page mailer includes exclusive updates about all of our programs, commentaries from Judie Brown, and more. Click HERE to browse a few past issues online.

Celebrate Life Magazine

First published in 1979 as a newsletter entitled ALL About Issues, this encouraging and educational publication has grown into a full-color, 32-page quarterly magazine. Celebrate Life Magazine covers a wide range of life topics, including abortion, adoption, contraception, fetal and embryonic research, euthanasia, caring for the elderly and those with special needs, and more. Click HERE to download free digital copies of our latest issues.

Encouraging Words

Start every weekday with an encouraging quote from a saint, the Bible, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and other sources of inspiration. This email is delivered right to your inbox Monday through Friday.

Pro-Life This Week

Enjoy a weekly roundup of the latest pro-life news sent to your inbox every Friday. PLTW also highlights helpful pro-life educational resources and recent social media exchanges about life topics.

Wednesday STOPP Report

This biweekly email newsletter shares the latest updates from our Stop Planned Parenthood International (STOPP) program. STOPP works to share the truth about Planned Parenthood and bring about the abortion giant’s end. Subscribe to the Wednesday STOPP Report to stay up to date on PP’s anti-life, anti-family developments and to learn what you can do to counter them.

Culture of Life Studies Program

The Culture of Life Studies Program provides Catholic and pro-life educational resources for kids in pre-k-12th grade, helping parents and educators equip the next generation to build a culture of life. Subscribers receive weekly emails with our latest blog posts and periodic emails with program updates, sales notifications, and exclusive discounts.

American Life League exists to serve God by helping to build a society that respects and protects individual innocent human beings from creation to death without compromise, without exception, without apology.