Podcast Archives
Pro-Life from Creation to DeathFrom 2019 to 2022, American Life League’s Jim Sedlak discussed pro-life topics and current events on its Pro-Life from Creation to Death podcast. Throughout these episodes, you will discover the abortion industry’s secrets, learn to think critically about life topics, and find ways to strengthen your pro-life activism and Catholic faith.
The podcast was primarily hosted by the late Jim Sedlak, a gifted pro-life fighter and Planned Parenthood’s greatest enemy. The knowledge, experience, and wisdom he developed during his 40 years of pro-life work offer the tools you need to build a culture of life. Jim’s passing in January 2022 was an immense loss for the entire pro-life community.
After his death, ALL’s executive vice president, Hugh Brown, hosted several episodes. The son of Judie Brown, Hugh has been involved in the pro-life movement for most of his life. He offered insights on marriage, children, family, and attacks by the culture of death on our young people to equip listeners to take prayerful, effective action.
Explore a selection of our podcast episodes below or find them all on Spotify.
The Month of May Brings Good News
Jun 3, 2022
During the month devoted to the Blessed Mother, several good stories have come to light. Several Planned Parenthood facilities are closing, a SCOTUS leak teases an overturning of Roe v. Wade, and American Life League has found a new national director in its fight against Planned Parenthood.
What Should the Sufferings of Our Lord Mean to Us?
May 6, 2022
If only we had the tiniest glimpse into the experience of eternal life, we would change our lives dramatically. Christ’s sufferings were an endurance of love for our sakes.
Remembering Jim Sedlak
Mar 31, 2022
This past January, Jim Sedlak, regular host of this radio program passed away. Hugh Brown, Executive Vice President of American Life League, takes over the microphone. Hugh spends time reflecting on the impact of Jim’s pro-life legacy.
Top Three Pro-Life Stories of 2021
Dec 17, 2021
Jim highlights the top three pro-life stories of 2021.
A New Spiritual Weapon Against the Evil of Abortion Violence is Released
Dec 10, 2021
Jim talks with Dwain Currier, public policy director at American Life League, about the Marian Blue Wave’s newest weapon against Planned Parenthood and its agents of evil. Later, Jim discusses the Supreme Court’s recent decision in the Texas Heartbeat law permitting citizens to take action against abortionists and other individuals involved in the execution of a preborn child (except the child’s mother). The Supreme Court refused to strike down the law.
Congress Passes Big Abortion Spending Bill
Dec 3, 2021
Congress has decided to pass a 1.7 trillion dollar spending bill, a devastating move against the pro-life movement. The spending bill allows federal funding of abortion providers because it doesn’t explicitly restrict money from going to abortion. 7 billion dollars goes to funding ‘health equity’. Abortion is essential to ‘health equity’ according to its advocates. 3.3 billion dollars goes to health education. Such vague language permits medical professionals to use federal funding to train students how to kill preborn children.
Surprises from the Marian Blue Wave
Nov 26, 2021
Katie Brown, director of the Marian Blue Wave, shares some incredible stories resulting from the MBW. Let’s face it. Abortionists don’t like Our Lady. Katie gives one example. Later Jim provides updates on the Supreme Court’s willingness to hear oral arguments in a 15-week abortion law.
More episodes of Pro-Life from Creation to Death are available on Spotify
American Life League exists to serve God by helping to build a society that respects and protects individual innocent human beings from creation to death without compromise, without exception, without apology.