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Judie’s Latest Commentary

Investing in the Family

Investing in the Family

By Judie Brown While investing in the stock market is really not a novel idea, investing in marriage and family is most definitely unique in our day and age. But as we know, the family is the cornerstone of a stable society. This is so because, as Pope John Paul II taught in Familiaris Consortio, “the fundamental task of the family is to serve life, to actualize in history the original blessing...

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More Judie Brown Commentary

Remove the Plank

Remove the Plank

By Judie Brown Michael Pakaluk wrote of the Republican party decision regarding its pro-life posture, “Some say—I say—that in removing this plank, the Republican Party dissolved itself, and that that fact will become clear over time.” His words called to mind Christ’s...

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Jim Sedlak and Matthew 10

Jim Sedlak and Matthew 10

By Judie Brown One of the most memorable themes in the many talks that the late Jim Sedlak gave over the years was his citation of Matthew 10 and his explanation about how those teachings informed his pro-life, anti-Planned-Parenthood philosophy. For all the years I...

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SACReD Abortion

SACReD Abortion

By Judie Brown While we might wonder about any organization that holds the act of killing another person in such reverence that they would equate the word sacred with the direct violence of abortion, we must remember that we are living in an age of deception. Anything...

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Red, Blue, and Dead All Over

Red, Blue, and Dead All Over

By Judie Brown The left-leaning Daily Kos has reported that in “deep red” Arkansas pro-aborts have succeeded in placing abortion on the upcoming ballot. If this is supposed to frighten those who took it for granted that Arkansas is a pro-life state, then let it be...

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How Do I Love Thee, Abortion?

How Do I Love Thee, Abortion?

By Judie Brown “How do I Love Thee?” the title of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s beloved poem, asks a crucial question. So devoted to the love of her life was she that Browning penned words to express that love. But in the case of those who apparently are devoted to...

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