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Culture of Life Studies Program

Building a culture of life, one student at a time


Does This Sound Like You?

  • Do you work with pre-K through high school students in a school, youth group, religious education class, or within your family?
  • Are you frustrated by where our culture is going, especially when it comes to abortion, marriage, and the devaluing of all human beings?
  • Do you want to make real progress in ending abortion and other threats to human life, especially among students?
  • Are you doing the hard work yourself by Googling topics or even creating your own pro-life educational resources in your limited time?

If any of this rings true for you, we have great news. You’re in the right place!

The Culture of Life Studies Program provides Catholic and pro-life home and classroom materials, resources, and trainings to educators, schools, and dioceses, equipping them to help younger generations bring an end to abortion and other threats against human beings, preserve the sanctity of marriage, and foster a culture of life within our communities.

We believe that educating students on the value of a human being’s life and preparing them to defend their beliefs is key to ending abortion, euthanasia, and other threats to human life.

We’re here with downloadable pro-life materials that you can easily integrate into your curriculum so you can begin making a difference in the lives of your students and effect change in our culture today!


The Teaching of Cura Personalis Includes Caring for the Impoverished

The Teaching of Cura Personalis Includes Caring for the Impoverished

By Teresa Ruiz The following article is from a high school senior who read our lesson on St. Ignatius and cura personalis (care for the whole person) and found that it also applies to those living in poverty. She hopes to help readers understand that caring for the...

A 31-Day Challenge for Respect Life Month

A 31-Day Challenge for Respect Life Month

By Susan Ciancio October is Respect Life Month—a month to focus on respect for the vulnerable, for the elderly, and for those with disabilities. It’s a month to show the world that all human beings matter and are loved. And it’s a month to increase awareness about...

We work to equip younger generations to help end abortion and other threats against human beings, preserve the sanctity of life, and build a culture of life in their homes and communities.


P.O. Box 6170
Falmouth, VA 22403