Aden Hailu: A Plea for Justice!
A woman’s life hangs in the balance, but the danger of her reality could be a real danger for us as well.
A woman’s life hangs in the balance, but the danger of her reality could be a real danger for us as well.
Halloween may be over, but the demons linger. Only prayer and faith and God will drive them away.
What happens when we define Catholicism for ourselves instead of following the teachings of Christ?
The removal of God from our vocabulary and from our lives reflects in our actions and our laws. This has become sickeningly obvious recently.
Every abortion murders an innocent child. This is not an issue. This is a fact.
Evil has taken ahold of us—slowly, methodically, and systematically. How can we get it to loosen its grip?
As we see courageous leaders guiding us in our faith, we must pray that others, especially within the synod, follow their example.
We thank God for the men who lead us in the war against those intent upon slaughtering our children.
The threat to human beings has never been greater in California.
The profound words of Bishop Olmsted will not only inspire you, they will transform you.
Christ tells us to care for the least of our brothers. Government sponsored programs were designed to help the poor and needy. But we see clearly the error of its ways. A program set up to help should not also kill.
“If she doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will.” While these may just be song lyrics, we can’t help but understand the truth behind them.