Tinkering with the Female Body Creates Havoc
There are so many clinical and chemical ways for females to avoid bearing a child while enjoying sexual relations that it is mind-boggling!
There are so many clinical and chemical ways for females to avoid bearing a child while enjoying sexual relations that it is mind-boggling!
Considering the direction society has taken in the last 30 days—or should I say the direction that five members of the United States Supreme Court are dragging us—perhaps it is time to do some thinking.
The history of Catholics for Choice reveals a group of alleged Catholics who dissent from Church teaching. They do this in very public ways and have done so from the organization’s founding in 1973.
Last Friday’s Supreme Court decision regarding the union of two people of the same sex should come as no surprise to anyone involved in defending human beings from creation to death.
The Washington Post has a way with words when it comes to topics such as euthanizing the elderly and the dying. A recent headline, “A Humane Way to End Life,” caught my eye because of the underlying message that assisted suicide is actually a good idea.
Let us resume the practice of giving names to life and to things. I have been a mere number long enough to know what it means to be nameless and what effect it has on life.
Over the past few weeks it has become abundantly clear that the tipping point for the radical abortion machine is upon us—and it’s a frightening image.
Notorious Communist leader Vladimir Lenin once said, “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.
Heroic Catholic leader Cardinal Raymond Burke has recently become the target of vitriolic language among those who have chosen to fashion the argument that Catholic teachings are out of date and represent “hatred and bigotry.
The media and many in government positions use fear and intimidation to keep morality at bay. Standing up for God’s word or the tenets of a Christian faith will get you labelled a bigot or closed minded. They expect us to just be quiet and accept today’s “changes.” But we cannot, and should not, acquiesce.
Take action tomorrow. Follow our lead and educate your family, friends, acquaintances, and even strangers about a toxic and deadly chemical that millions of women willingly ingest every day. If we don’t tell them the truth, who will?
In a society devoid of morality, should it be surprising that lies surround us and advocates of the pill attempt to obfuscate when it comes to birth control? So many know and understand the truth, but this truth is often swept under the proverbial rug. It’s time to open the eyes of Americans and see the reality awaiting us in the form of this tiny pill.