The Dangers of the Pill
By Melissa Pena
As part of the younger generation, I believe we must arm our peers with the knowledge to make better decisions.
By Melissa Pena
As part of the younger generation, I believe we must arm our peers with the knowledge to make better decisions.
By Mark Davis Pickup
In Canada, the Alberta provincial Human Rights Commission (AHRC) fined a Calgary private school $26,000 for refusing to allow two Muslim students to pray on campus grounds.
by Rey Flores
On June 6, American Life League, STOPP (Stop Planned Parenthood International), and over 30 cosponsors will once more protest the pill across the nation.
By Rita Diller
Sunday, June 7, 2015, marks the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s dreadful Griswold decision that decriminalized contraception throughout the United States.
By Anna Eastland
For me, this Mother’s Day [was] different. I have been a mother for almost nine years, and have six kids, but this year [was] the first Mother’s Day when one of my children is already gone, and to be preceded by your infant to heaven is a very strange feeling.
By Ron Panzer
Nobody needs to write anything to demonstrate that Dr. Saunders’ mission, in serving the public through her hospice and palliative care work, was absolutely founded upon religious faith.
By Melissa Pena
Working at American Life League, I frequently encounter one of two reactions when I talk to someone else about where I work.
By Rita Diller
As Planned Parenthood tries every trick in the book to derail parents’ rights to direct the education of children in Hawaii, families are taking to the streets to send a loud, clear message: Stay out of our children’s lives!
By Rob Gasper
In his recent Crux piece entitled “Catholics around the World Can’t Afford ‘Luxury Issues,’” John Allen claims that “fuss[ing]” about scandals concerning Catholic identity is primarily the pastime of affluent cultures and churches.
By Rita Diller
American Life League often receives requests for information about March of Dimes when Catholic schools are asked to participate in fundraising events to help “the babies” or to help fight birth defects.
By Rey Flores
Television programming has been a cesspool for a long time. I can’t recall the last time I even tuned into any program on broadcast or cable television.
By Christopher M. Reilly
The pro-life effort is about defending the intrinsic value of each and every human life.