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CRS and Catholic Teaching: Why the Dichotomy?

By Michael Hichborn
In 2008, noted theologian Germain Grisez wrote an article entitled “The Church Betrayed?” In this article, Grisez discusses the troubling nature of a Catholic Relief Services memo regarding the dissemination of information on condom use through its HIV/AIDS programs overseas.

Satan’s Party

By Jim Sedlak
You may have missed it. Tuesday, March 10, 2015, was a day of celebration among certain segments of the American population.

Why Today’s Eugenics Is Wrong

By Christopher M. Reilly
If you have ever heard the word “eugenics,” you probably know that it is a heinous act. And in the 21st century, we’re supposed to be more sophisticated and better behaved than the Nazis or the 18th and 19th century Americans who plotted massive exterminations of the “undesirable” population.

Contraception and Cancer

By Nicole King
The News Story – Why you’re still paying for birth control even though it’s “free” now
Susie Poppick writes for TIME this week about her near-miss at having to fork over a $50 copay for her birth control.

The Amnesty and Abortion Conundrum

By Rey Flores
As the Obama administration continues to tear down borders and allow millions of undocumented and parentless immigrant minors into our country, he isn’t just letting them in for free.

Canada’s Medical Totalitarians

By Sean Murphy
An Ontario College of Physicians official, Dr. Marc Gabel, says that physicians unwilling to provide or facilitate abortion for reasons of conscience should not be family physicians.