Propaganda Feeds Ignorance
The old adage that ignorance is bliss is blatantly wrong when dealing with the abortion industry. Ignorance leads only to violence and the deaths of countless human beings.
The old adage that ignorance is bliss is blatantly wrong when dealing with the abortion industry. Ignorance leads only to violence and the deaths of countless human beings.
Today we see a refreshingly surprising message from a pro-football player.
This week saw repeated attacks on the preborn child as we witness our country moving further away from a culture of life.
Though we may encounter roadblocks as we try to save lives, we must never despair. Pray, educate, and teach the horrors of abortion.
Former abortion provider Carol Everett has said that sexual education programs “break down the natural modesty (of students), they separate them from their parents and their values.”
This week’s video shows the true nature of Planned Parenthood.
This week we see bogus charges dismissed and a political party allying itself with the largest abortion chain in the nation.
See what happens when our society embraces a culture of death.
Take a minute to think about what you expect from your current primary care physician.
A new platform statement and several PP closures make for encouraging news this week.
Isaac Singer is given credit for establishing the first franchise operation in the United States in 1850.
Though many organizations would like the investigation into the baby body parts scandal to fade into obscurity, the truth will reveal itself.