Loyalty to Planned Parenthood May Keep the Government Open and More
Think there’s not much you can do to change the culture of death? Education and prayer are key.
Think there’s not much you can do to change the culture of death? Education and prayer are key.
In a world where so many live in darkness, and selfishness reigns supreme, American Life League illuminates the path and teaches the way to the light of Christ.
Though we often see roadblocks to the culture of life, we must focus on the positive and give thanks for the efforts of activists like you.
The US government’s Department of Health and Human Services pushes a large number of teen pregnancy prevention programs.
Beware of and discern what you read, for the media can be very skilled at deception and the twisting of words.
Though a new sex ed program and the potential passing of a new bill darken the horizon, a new lesson for middle schoolers brings hope to families.
If passed, this new bill will protect Planned Parenthood from being held responsible for its nefarious practices.
The media in today’s society seems to have strayed from the truth to its own agenda. With each passing story, we see the detrimental effects of the words and the coverage thrown at us on a daily basis.
If Planned Parenthood were a patient (at least one they haven’t aborted), it could be diagnosed with one of many behavioral disorders.
This week we see that our actions do, indeed, have consequences—whether good or bad.
We all understand the motives behind Planned Parenthood’s push for women to have a “choice.” But does the average American understand this—and the sickening consequences?
Planned Parenthood confuses teens about what it means to give consent.