The Killing of Preborn Babies Will Never Be Accepted by True Americans
Those who are pro-abortion will do their best to continue killing preborn babies, so it is our responsibility to put an end to it.
Those who are pro-abortion will do their best to continue killing preborn babies, so it is our responsibility to put an end to it.
Evidence abounds that the culture of death is seeping into all aspects of our society.
The lies and nonsense from Planned Parenthood never cease, so we focus on them to show you the truth.
ALL staff reveal the truth about PP and respond to harsh words spoken about Catholics.
As I described in the first two articles of this series, when Planned Parenthood celebrated its 50th anniversary in 1966 it had overcome three of its four major initial problems.
Weekend prayer vigils and babies saved top this week’s news.
Take some time this weekend to pray for babies and their families.
Nothing good happens when Cecile Richards opens her mouth.
October 16, 2016, marks a sinister 100 year anniversary in our nation’s history—the founding of what has become the largest abortion business in America.
A lie repeatedly told will soon be thought of as truth. Are you willing to help dispel the lies?
Take time out of your Saturday to pray and show your love for babies who have been slaughtered by Planned Parenthood.
An educational program and a disturbing quote by PP’s president are just two of the things you must know about this week.