South Dakotans will not be bullied
“It’s obvious that Planned Parenthood doesn’t understand South Dakotans,” said American Life League president Judie Brown.
“It’s obvious that Planned Parenthood doesn’t understand South Dakotans,” said American Life League president Judie Brown.
in this issue: hot button issues: PETITION / RU-486 / T-SHIRT DAYabortion: ALTERNATIVES / COLOMBIA / MICHIGAN / POST-ABORTIONeuthanasia: CALIFORNIA / NORTH CAROLINA / STARVATION / ZERO TOLERANCEhuman… Read More »Communique – Mar. 24, 2006
The media reports never seem to get it right when it comes to abortion.
Many years ago I sat at a table in the White House, looking at a dumbfounded President Ronald Reagan. I had just told him that under his administration, research was being funded in the United States on an abortion pill called RU-486.
“The entire nation owes a debt of gratitude to the state of South Dakota,” said Jim Sedlak, vice-president of American Life League, the nation’s largest, grassroots pro-life organization.
“How much longer must we tolerate such insanity?” asked American Life League president Judie Brown. “Two more deaths of women who used RU-486 signal massive problems with abortion pill.
in this issue: hot button issues: MICHIGAN / PETITION / T-SHIRT DAYabortion: SOUTH DAKOTAcatholic bishops: CONNECTICUTeuthanasia: CALIFORNIAfree speech: CENSOREDpersonhood: RIGHT TO LIFE ACTplanned parenthood: RICHARDS / SAFE ABORTIONSpregnancy: MORTALITYreproductive technology: RISKSstem cell research /… Read More »Communique – Mar. 17, 2006
The Connecticut Catholic bishops are in a difficult state, brought on by their own acceptance of compromise. By following the so-called Peoria Protocol
“Building from the momentum set forward in South Dakota, American Life League is excited to lend support to the initiative in Michigan which will define personhood as beginning at conception ?
“The pro-life message will not be silenced in our schools,” said Erik Whittington, American Life League’s youth outreach director. “Wearing a T-shirt with a pro-life message is about more than just making a statement.
Hyperbole dressed up like fact continues to interest me, especially when it emanates from the culture of death’s chief analysts.
in this issue: hot button issue: SOUTH DAKOTA / T-SHIRT DAYabortion: MARCH OF DIMES condoms: DOUBLE EFFECT?eugenics: MAKING PERFECT BABIES / MAKING PERFECT USeuthanasia: HOSPICE DANGERin vitro fertilization: RISK TO BABIESpersonhood: RIGHT TO… Read More »Communique – Mar. 10, 2006