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Planned Parenthood uses tax dollars to open posh clinic

“As incredible as it sounds, Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota will open what may be the nation’s first government-subsidized clinic that will refuse to provide services for the poor,” said Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League.

Reproductive Health Abroad

Planned Parenthood is hopping mad because a U.S. House Appropriations Committee voted 30-23 against a funding amendment that would have provided tax dollars to the United Nations Fund

Flooded Center Needs Help

The Alpha Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota has experienced a flood that has negatively impacted its ability to serve expectant mothers in the Sioux Falls area.

Tragedy Compounded

Many of us have wondered how a doctor can repeatedly act to kill a patient when the patient is suffering and requesting a quick death.

Feminism Gone Awry?

While not astonishing to read of all the new ways pharmaceutical companies have created to do away with natural bodily processes such as female menstruation, it is a bit disconcerting.