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Communique – Feb. 17, 2006

in this issue: hot button issues: NATIONAL PRO-LIFE T-SHIRT DAY / PLANNED PARENTHOODabortion: RISKSeuthanasia: ADVANCE CARE PLANNINGin vitro fertilization: RISKSmorning-after abortion pill: NEW YORKorgan transplant: DOMINO THEORYpersonhood: RIGHT TO LIFE ACTschiavo: POLITICSreflection for… Read More »Communique – Feb. 17, 2006

Best-kept secrets

I’ve had a number of folks comment on my appearance on Alan Colmes’ radio show this past Friday evening. It was a great experience

Jaded jewelry

When I read the latest from a Planned Parenthood afficianado, it nearly made me … well, I had just eaten. At any rate, never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined a man making jewelry out of old, expired birth control pills!

How pro-life is new House leader?

Boehner, a Roman Catholic and graduate of Xavier University in Cincinnati, declared his intention to continue to fight for the rights of the unborn. He addressed a House Values Action Team by letter Tuesday

Senatorial semantics

This past weekend I listened to a pro-life Republican Catholic senator explain why it was acceptable for him, from a political perspective, to support the re-election campaign of a totally pro-abortion fellow Republican.

Forget Punxsutawney; watch Phill in Kansas

“We need an early springtime in this country, and Kansas attorney general Phill Kline is doing his best to encourage it by turning up the heat on Planned Parenthood,” said Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League.