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Hillary Hilarity

Senator Clinton has finally outdone herself, proclaiming that a fight to protect a woman’s “right to make her own decisions abouther rerpodcutive health” is more important than ever.

Communique – May. 19, 2006

in this issue: hot button issues: PETITION / WORK AT ALLabortion: COLOMBIA / SAFETY / SELF-INFLICTEDabstinence: CONFERENCEbirth control pill: RISKScondoms: VATICANculture of death: IMMORTALITY?euthanasia: PERSISTENT VEGETATIVE STATE / TREATMENT PREFERENCESpharmacists: PRESSUREpolitics: SANTORUM, SPECTER AND… Read More »Communique – May. 19, 2006

Golden Boob?

There are times when direct insults are the nicest kind of flattery. Such is the case with the recent Golden Boob “award” created by the National Breast Cancer Coalition.

Intentionally uninhibited

Frantically scurrying to protect its multi-million dollar birth control enterprise, Planned Parenthood has begun taking aim at pro-life forces with rapid fire rhetoric designed to frighten the uninformed.

The Most Ridiculous Item

Well, not that I want to follow what Bill O’Reilly does, but the storyof the Briton in her 60s pregant after IVF from ‘clone’ medic not only raises a lot of ethical questions but does seem patently ridiculous.