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Catholic bishops’ group must drop official

While prayers for the soul of Rabbi Balfour Brickner are certainly proper, the statement offered by an official of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops upon Rabbi Brickner’s passing is a source of scandal

Hollywood furthers the Culture of Death with Oscars

“Hollywood continues to pound the American public with the message that the lives of the disabled are not worth living; that such a life is a commodity that can be taken at one’s own whim,” said Shannon Flanagan, college outreach director of American Life League’s Rock for Life.

Resignation of top FDA official over Plan B

News of the resignation of Susan Woods, director of the FDA’s Office of Women’s Health, in the wake of the administration’s non-decision regarding the over-the-counter status of Plan B once again shows the controversial nature of this drug.

Chris Rock has no place at the Academy Awards

“Pro-abortion Hollywood has sunk to a new low. Chris Rock, the person chosen to host the year’s premier entertainment awards show, has called abortion a ‘beautiful thing,’” said Erik Whittington, director of American Life League’s Rock for Life.