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Stop Planned Parenthood and the Seaside Sex Conference

By Rita Diller
The news from Seaside, Oregon, exposing the sex conference that targets children as young as 11 with unspeakable filth cloaked as sexuality education was so explosive that it has hit the Drudge report and other national news outlets over the past two weeks.

It’s Advent, not Christmas yet!

By Rey Flores
Since as far back as I can remember, the day after Thanksgiving has always been the day that retailers started in on their heavy sales campaigns to entice the American public into buying Christmas presents for their family and friends.

What Will GOP Victories Mean to the Preborn Now?

By Rey Flores
This morning we all woke up to headlines that read “Huge Victory as Pro-Life Candidates Win Nationwide, Take Over Senate from Pro-Abortion Democrats,” and other more specific headlines like “Pro-Life Greg Abbott Defeats Abortion Champion Wendy Davis for Governor in Texas.”

Amnesty for the Unborn

By Kurt Kondrich
There is a battle raging across this nation on the issue of amnesty for illegal immigrants, and it has become a very hot topic.