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STOPP International

Behold the Lord Jesus Christ, Who tries so hard to get our attention


This information-packed bi-weekly e-newsletter is the voice of STOPP, American Life League’s project that exposes the true nature of Planned Parenthood and documents its anti-life, anti-family programs. The Wednesday STOPP Report also spells out what dedicated grassroots pro-lifers can do to counter Planned Parenthood. Wednesday STOPP Report subscribers also receive special e-mail updates offering an in-depth look at timely pro-life issues.


WSR: 2022-05-25

Surprised—But Not Surprised—By God and ALL
Top Strategist to Stop Planned Parenthood Rita Diller was Former Feminist who “Saw the Light”

WSR: 2022-05-11

Cecile Richards Still Talking
Nobody to Kill Babies
Taxpayer Dollars to Planned Parenthood
Around the Country
Reacting to Supreme Court Leak
Planned Parenthood Pres Reacts to Leak

WSR: 2022-04-27

CBS Reporter Working for Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood Pres Speaks Out in Michigan
Rape Haven
California Sates Planned Parenthood’s Deadly Appetite
Missouri Courts Sided with Planned Parenthood
Outrage of the Week
And So We Pray …

WSR: 03-23-22

Planned Parenthood Receives Funds from Biden
Planned Parenthood App Deceives
Tenacious Pro-Life People Win
Our Tax Dollars
Supreme Court Nominee Jackson

WSR: 2022-02-23

Planned Parenthood’s Racism is More Obvious Than Ever
Facts and Stats: Planned Parenthood Probably Aborted Joe’s SCOTUS Nominee
Local Residents in Rochester, NY, Area Stop a New Planned Parenthood Facility in Its Tracks
Planned Parenthood Injures Another Woman in Botched Abortion Attempt
States Are Advertising Their Abortion-On-Demand Service As If It Were a Tourist Attraction


Building a solid wall of resistance to Planned Parenthood