The Pill Kills Campaign Takes Over the Country by Storm
American Life League and nearly 60 cosponsoring organizations are coordinating a large-scale
American Life League and nearly 60 cosponsoring organizations are coordinating a large-scale
It is with profound sadness that we must, once again, present the true facts about the dangers of contraception,” said Judie Brown, president of American Life League.
Accept, or you are labeled insensitive or intolerant. Accept and allow, or you are labeled narrow-minded or discriminatory. Do not follow the teachings of the Lord, or you are labeled unbalanced or extreme. These, and more, are the ideas Planned Parenthood has subtly put into our heads and the heads of our children. These are the ideas shaping today’s culture. And these are the ideas we can no longer let continue to blossom.
By Paul E. Rondeau
When Emily Letts got pregnant, she immediately knew she would get an abortion. She decided to film her abortion and entered Emilys Abortion Video in Abortion Care Networks Stigma Busting competition and won.
By Joanne Moudy
As quickly as states like Texas, Arizona, and Kansas pass new definitive laws designed to protect women and children against subpar health standards in abortion clinics, pro-abortionists challenge those laws in court, purportedly on the grounds that said laws will restrict access to care and thus limit a woman’s right to affordable healthcare. But reality says that isn’t so.
As we enter into Holy Week, we are constantly reminded of God’s never-ending love for us of the torment Christ went through so that we may spend eternity with Him. But we must make that choice. We can choose to follow Him or we can choose to follow worldly things. There is no better time than Holy Week to examine our actions, to make changes, and to set ourselves straight. We must never forget the purpose of life to someday look Christ in the eye and be invited into His arms.
By Paul E. Rondeau
On March 27, self-described “staunch Catholic” House minority leader Nancy Pelosi excitedly accepted Planned Parenthood’s highest honor, the Margaret Sanger Award—named in honor of the eugenicist who founded America’s largest abortion chain. Only days later at a luncheon on Tuesday, April 1, Pelosi was presented with a gift from Pope Francis.
On March 27, House minority leader Nancy Pelosi accepted Planned Parenthood’s highest honor, the Margaret Sanger Award.
By Rey Flores
When I heard that Nancy Pelosi was going to receive Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger Award at its annual coven this year, I was about as shocked as when I found out that President Obama “evolved” on so-called same-sex marriage last year.
The latest survey of Planned Parenthood facilities in the United States shows the number of clinics and geographic areas served is the lowest number of clinics for Planned Parenthood since Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in 1973.
As we move further into Lent and toward Good Friday, the day Our Lord allowed Himself to be crucified so that we may have eternal life with Him, we reflect more and more on His suffering. While His crucifixion story had a glorious ending in His resurrection, there is no glorious ending to the daily crucifixion of thousands of preborn babies. Not only is a child needlessly slaughtered, but left behind are wounded mothers, fathers, siblings, and grandparents. What will it take to end this holocaust?
For those of us who realize the truth that life begins the moment a child is created arguments suggesting otherwise are inane. When we hear the assertion that a human being is not alive until he is born despite his beating heart, moving limbs, functioning organs, and so on we wonder how anyone could believe this lie. The fundamental right to life is denied every second of every day in America because of this lie and we must not allow this insanity to continue.