Abortion’s Fundamental Deception
Thirty-seven years ago, the United States Supreme Court decriminalized an act that Planned Parenthood had spent years promoting as a backup to failed contraception. That act is abortion.
Thirty-seven years ago, the United States Supreme Court decriminalized an act that Planned Parenthood had spent years promoting as a backup to failed contraception. That act is abortion.
Washington, D.C. (01 June 2010) – Defenders of the Unborn, an American Life League Associate group, will bring famed Planned Parenthood-director-turned-pro-life activist Abby Johnson to St.… Read More »ALL Associate Group Hosts Former Planned Parenthood Director at Launch of Constant Witness Program
No matter how challenging this struggle to defend the human person becomes, there is one stunning aspect of it that never ceases to disgust me.
Consecration in Washington, D.C. Marks 25th Anniversary of STOPP Planned Parenthood Washington, D.C. (for 15 May 2010) – WHAT: American Life League will unveil new prayers… Read More »Bishop Approves Prayers for ‘Bringing Jesus to Planned Parenthood through Mary’ Campaign
www.personhoodnevada.com Status:January 8th, 2010: District Judge James Russell rules in favor of Planned Parenthood and ACLU arguments against Personhood Nevada Ballot Initiative. February 22, 2010:… Read More »Nevada Personhood Amendment
As a convert to the Catholic faith, the last and perhaps greatest hurdle for me was devotion to Mary, the mother of Christ, who prophesied, “All generations will call me blessed” (Luke 1:48). Finally, I surrendered my doubts, stepped out in faith and began to trust her.
Dear editor: It is amazing that the majority of Americans still think of Planned Parenthood as an organization that actually serves the health interests of… Read More »Letters to the Editor: Planned Parenthood is not a ‘good guy’