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Planned Parenthood

America’s Fear of Children

Here is how one enemy of the family defines fecundophobia. During the 2012 election cycle, Washington Post writer Lisa Miller wrote about politicians displaying pictures of their families showcasing their wives and children.

The Family, the Devil, and You

American Life League understands the importance of the family in society and the toxicity surrounding it today. To this end, we have begun a new campaign called Defend the Family. Today’s commentary talks more about this and explains how you can take part.

Miscarriage: The Heartbreak and the Lies

Suffering the loss of a child through miscarriage is a tragedy that evokes a great sadness. The direct killing of a child through abortion is also a tragedy. Knowing that some Planned Parenthoods now refer to an abortion as a “voluntary miscarriage” is sickening and further compounds the heartbreak of losing a child. Today’s commentary reminds us to be cautious with our words and to support those who have lost a child at any age.

Birds of a Devil

By Rey Flores
“An increasing number of states have passed ‘informed consent’ laws, requiring that women seeking abortions be subjected to state-mandated informational materials that are often false or misleading.

I Am Not a Rug!

Animals, especially those that are threatened or endangered, deserve our care and protection. But we must not close our eyes to humanity to life that grows within a woman’s womb. Defenseless babies are regularly killed and discarded without much thought or concern. It is time to stop their slaughter.

God Is Not Welcome Here

Like a small child who tells his parent, I can do it myself man has repeatedly pushed God away. We seem to be telling God the same thing, yet it’s not just independence we want from Him; it’s autonomy and control. We are telling God we have no use for Him any longer. We now see the destruction this causes in lives, in families, in society. When will it end?

Destroying Innocence One Child at a Time

On a daily basis, we see the innocence of children eroded. Television, Internet articles, and social media combine to allow children to enter a world of sexualization at an earlier age and adults and parents just seem to accept this. Indeed, even some embrace it and welcome it into their schools and their homes. When will we realize the damage we are doing? When will we say enough is enough?

Mother Mary: Planned Parenthood’s Nemesis

Just as an earthly mother takes care of her children, so does our Blessed Mother. She is there for us in times of sadness, in times of despair, and in times of happiness as well. Her love is unceasing. This is why ALL has asked for her help in saving innocent preborn babies. Peacefully and prayerfully protesting, while asking for the intercession of our Blessed Mother, has borne fruits we never could have imagined.

A Planned Parenthood Parable

Planned Parenthood tries with all its might to persuade people to its side, to lead them to think and believe that there is nothing wrong with aborting a child. The organization has even brought in “clergy” to attempt to justify its own agenda. Planned Parenthood does not want you to know the truth. In fact, PP is scared that you will find out the truth.