STOPP: Planned Parenthood Annual Report Shows It’s About Money, Not Women
Planned Parenthood Federation of America has released its 2013-2014 Annual Report and the numbers show a stagnant business making tons of money from unsuspecting donors.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America has released its 2013-2014 Annual Report and the numbers show a stagnant business making tons of money from unsuspecting donors.
By Matt Walsh
A reader sent me a message declaring quite excitedly that I’m “not gonna believe” what’s happening at this public school in California.
As another year closes, we take a few moments to reflect upon the blessings bestowed upon us. We offer a prayer of thanks for our faith, for the power of Our Lord, and for the people who have helped effect change. And we look forward to a year filled with many more blessings a year where we hope to see lives spared, hearts opened, and souls saved.
By Rey Flores
This past year has seen race relations decline as a result of a well-orchestrated attempt by a corrupt government that wants to divide us at all costs.
By Rita Diller
The news from Seaside, Oregon, exposing the sex conference that targets children as young as 11 with unspeakable filth cloaked as sexuality education was so explosive that it has hit the Drudge report and other national news outlets over the past two weeks.
Each day we have a choice. Follow where society seems to be leading away from morality and the laws of God or follow God. Yet we cannot simply be followers. We must also lead. We must lead our children, our grandchildren, our neighbors, our friends, and even people we don’t even know. Our society wants us to turn our backs on morality and live in the moment. But we know that we must live for eternity.
By Rob Gasper
According to Planned Parenthood’s latest annual report, it received 540.6 million in funding from the federal government.
It’s no wonder people are confused and even ambivalent about the horrors of abortion. They receive mixed messages on a daily basis from organizations like Planned Parenthood, from the Obama administration, and from baby marketing companies that are just concerned with their bottom line. We have elected people whom we hope will vote pro-life. Now is the time to hold them to it.
This week we saw great strides in the elections and in the decisions people made to elect pro-life leaders. But we cannot stop there. The battle will not be won if all we do is vote and hope. We must be proactive. We must pray. We must work day in and day out to stop the culture of death from getting its grips on us and our children.
Judie Brown, president of American Life League, announced today that ALL’s popular video series, the American Life League Report, will get a new look in 2015 and will publish on a regular monthly schedule.
Planned Parenthood announced the closing of its Rapid City facility effective December 5, according to a report from the Rapid City Journal. Planned Parenthood’s only other South Dakota facility is located in Sioux Falls.
Planned Parenthood kills over 400 girls each day