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Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood and Tuskegee-No Difference

Duplicity-the main thing both Planned Parenthood and the Tuskegee experiments have in common. We eventually realized the harm done to hundreds of men. Yet people can’t seem to see through the lies told daily by PP. They can’t seem to understand the destruction this organization causes each and every day. When will the fog lift?

Why I Do This Job

By Melissa Pena
Working at American Life League, I frequently encounter one of two reactions when I talk to someone else about where I work.

An Active Week in the Fight against Planned Parenthood

This week, the legislature in the state of Michigan added a restriction to the state’s budget bill which states that any organization-like Planned Parenthood-that allows abortions will not be able to receive any state funding. In the past, Planned Parenthood received as much as $700,000 from the state. Although the legislators have shut that money down, the language in the budget bill will prevent any government official from circumventing the will of the legislature and of the citizens of Michigan.

What If?

By Melissa Pena
“What if?” These two tiny words, seemingly so innocuous by themselves, when put together have the power to haunt.

Satan’s Party

By Jim Sedlak
You may have missed it. Tuesday, March 10, 2015, was a day of celebration among certain segments of the American population.