Catholic mutual fund, a web site devoted to financial markets, published an excellent interview with Ave Maria Catholic Values Fund spokesman George Schwartz. When asked what differentiates the Ave Maria Fund from other portfolios, a web site devoted to financial markets, published an excellent interview with Ave Maria Catholic Values Fund spokesman George Schwartz. When asked what differentiates the Ave Maria Fund from other portfolios
Remember the story of the guy who died in the flood? A Red Cross boat had come by earlier when the water was above the… Read More »Two boats, a helicopter and stem cells
The news reports claim that abortions in Illinois have hit a 30-year low, and Planned Parenthood is right there to give its take on the reason.
“Tis the season to share with family, friends, colleagues, and loved ones the messages of ‘Choice on Earth’ or ‘Peace Hope Justice.’ Place your orders now for the 2005 Holiday Card.”
American Life League played a key role in a recent ruling that will protect the lives of countless preborn children in Colombia.
“Shortly after STOPP and other pro-life sources focused attention on a letter on the Planned Parenthood Golden Gate web site
“People may be skeptical when pro-life groups accuse Planned Parenthood of violating the law and protecting rapists,” said Jim Sedlak, executive director of American Life League’s STOPP International.
We wish you a Merry Christmas; we wish you a Holy Christmas; we wish you every blessing the Lord could possibly bestow.
hot button issues: MICHAEL SCHIAVO / PEOPLE OF THE YEAR? / STOPP / TELESEMINARbirth control: DEPO-PROVERA / LYBRELcongress: CORD BLOOD BANKpersonhood: RIGHT TO LIFE ACTpragmatism: DEMOCRATSstem cell research / unethical: FRAUDsupreme… Read More »Communique – Dec. 23, 2005
I don’t know about you, but I have read more than thirty articles over the past two weeks, all dealing with South Korea’s infamous scientist, Hwang Woo-suk. But perhaps the most intriguing aspect of his specific fall from grace
The not-quite-unbiased National Catholic Reporter tells its readers that Archbishop Sean O’Malley stayed away for a dinner honoring pro-abortion Boston Mayor Thomas Menino, while the Archbishop’s spokesperson, Terrence Donilon, is quoted in the Boston Globe, praising the mayor.
Behind every good man is a good woman. How many times have we heard that age-old saying? Sure, some women who still believe that our gender is being suppressed by men might hear that quip and immediately think: discrimination.