Brain Death Not Death
New Jersey’s Board of Medical Examiners is proposing language to loosen up on regulations regarding how a doctor goes about pronouncing a patient brain dead.
New Jersey’s Board of Medical Examiners is proposing language to loosen up on regulations regarding how a doctor goes about pronouncing a patient brain dead.
In a rather interesting comment to the press, Americans United for Life President Clark Forsythe said, “Pro-life forces exist to change the law to protect human life state by state.”
The U.S. Catholic bishops made headlines today. In fact the headline I read said, “U.S. Catholic leaders approve changes in prayer.”
“Michigan pro-lifers are on the cusp of ensuring the most fundamental step in reversing the deadly impact that legalized abortion has left on our country,” said American Life League president Judie Brown.
in this issue: hot button issues: CATHOLIC CRUSADE / MICHIGAN / ROCK FOR LIFE / SIGN THE PETITIONabortion: LOUISIANA / PRO-LIFE CRIMEcatholics: SURVEYchurches: POLITICScongress: SANTORUM/SPECTEReuthanasia: COLORADO / UNITED KINGDOMparenthood: FACTSpersonhood: RIGHT TO LIFE… Read More »Communique – Jun. 16, 2006
in this issue: hot button issues: CONSCIENCE / GARDASIL / JUDIE BROWN’S BOOK / LAST CHANCE TO SIGN PETITION TO BISHOPS / PLANNED PARENTHOODabortion: MICHIGANcatholics: GISELEcatholic bishops: AUSTRALIA’S CARDNIAL… Read More »Communique – Jun. 15, 2006
Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards told an audience that her organization has a lot of power; power enough to change the outcome of elections.
American Life League is expressing a hope for strong action by the American Catholic bishops in dealing with pro-abortion Catholic politicians.
American Life League’s Rock for Life, the nation’s premiere pro-life youth organization, kicks off its summer concert tour today.
Oh, you thought I was going to write about aborting a helpless preborn baby, didn’t you! Wrong.
Pro-life activist Luis Mendoza is a man whose love has changed at least one life.
The folks at Planned Parenthood are really getting under my skin. It was bad enough when my kids were teens, but now two of my grandchildren are teens and the situation is, as my grandchildren would say, gross.