Catholic hospitals and emergency contraception
Recent reports from Connecticut and Wisconsin leave us wondering what in the world is going on in the world of “Catholic” health care.
Recent reports from Connecticut and Wisconsin leave us wondering what in the world is going on in the world of “Catholic” health care.
“Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion chain, continues to end the lives of preborn children at an alarming rate,” said Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League.
I have been quite disturbed by the news headlines of the past week. Perhaps you did not know it, but in addition to the Connecticut bishops and their amazing ability to back down on the subject of using the morning after pill (chemical abortion pill) to treat victims of sexual assault, the Wisconsin bishops are doing the same thing.
I am sure you will recall that late last week St. Louis’s Catholic Archbishop, Raymond Burke, held a news conference to explain why he felt compelled to resign from the board of Bishop Glennon Hospital.
The Connecticut state senate approved a bill Wednesday that would require all hospitals — including the four Catholic hospitals in the state — to provide the Plan B emergency contraceptive to rape victims.
While many of us are ecstatic at the news that Rosie O’Donnell is leaving “The View,” it is most interesting to note that one of her parting shots happened to be aimed at Catholics.
in this issue: hot button issues: GONZALES V. CARHART / SAVING THOSE DAMNED CATHOLICSabortion: ABORTED ALIVE / MEXICOanti-catholic bias: CARTOON / PROVOCATION OR TRUTH?catholic bishops: BURKEculture of death: AMERICAN IDOL… Read More »Communique – Apr. 27, 2007
It was with great sadness that I read the media reports about the scandalous comments that were made by those organizing an event to benefit the Bob Costas Cancer Center at the Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical center in St. Louis.
The Supreme Court’s recent decision to uphold restrictions on partial-birth abortion (actually, it’s infanticide) in most cases has stirred up the folks who support the act of abortion in ways that boggle my simple mind.
The fifth annual National Pro-life T-shirt day is upon us, and with the passing of each year, American Life league’s project has taken on more visibility until this year we find that groups across our land are creating their own t-shirts, planning their own school events and doing all they can to spread the pro-life message.
The Philadelphia Inquirer has stooped to a new low in their effort to harm the credibility of Catholics in public life.
The ten-year debate over a particularly gruesome form of infanticide has certainly raised public awareness about the procedure’s ghastly nature.