Bryan Brown: A Man For All Seasons
During the contest for Kansas Attorney General this past election cycle, Phill Kline’s assistant, Bryan Brown was lionized by the press.
During the contest for Kansas Attorney General this past election cycle, Phill Kline’s assistant, Bryan Brown was lionized by the press.
On behalf of all our American Life League supporters I mourn the passing of one of our dearest friends, Dr. Jerry Falwell.
On the evening news this week, reports came from Iraq, where the reporters took pains to point out that 3,377 Americans have died since the beginning of the war. Almost every state in the union has lost sons or daughters in the war.
On May 6 the Los Angeles Times published one of the most devastating [for me, not the writer] columns that I have seen in quite a while.
in this issue: hot button issues: POPE BENEDICT / SAVING THOSE DAMNED CATHOLICS / SIGN THE PETITIONabortion: KILLING 2 / PARTIAL BIRTH DEBACLEbirth control pills: FISHY? / SEASONALEbrain… Read More »Communique – May. 11, 2007
“Pope Benedict’s comments on pro-abortion politicians are simply a reflection of the longstanding Catholic truth that we’ve been pointing out for years,” said American Life League president Judie Brown.
I frequently recall Father Paul Marx telling audiences that abortion was but the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
To say that this past weekend’s headlines were a bit disturbing to those of us who know that every act of abortion murders a child is an understatement. Try flabbergaste–at least, that is how I feel.
I have read a great deal about Cynthia Tureman’s act of drowning her newborn baby. It has been reported that the child reached her arms out to her mother, but Tureman did not reach back.
in this issue: hot button issues: PLANNED PARENTHOOD / RAPE TREATMENT / SAVING THOSE DAMNED CATHOLICSabortion: PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION / POST-ABORTION SYNDROMEactivism: WASH FOR LIFEbioethics: BRAVE NEW WORLDbirth control… Read More »Communique – May. 4, 2007
A 17-year-old girl known as Miss D is at the center of a pro-abortion campaign at the moment. This young woman is with child, and she has been told that her baby has a very serious brain deformity known as anencephaly and that the child will not live longer than three days outside the womb.
When I heard that Hillary Clinton was headlining a fundraiser in Illinois for the Mercy Home for Boys and Girls, the shock and horror of it irritated me, then it made me angry and then it disgusted me. That is where I am right now — totally disgusted.