Tellling The Church To Shut Up
In Mexico, abortion proponents are ready to explode.
In Mexico, abortion proponents are ready to explode.
It is perhaps no accident that April 2007 is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Far too many horrors have converged on the national psyche in the last two weeks for us to ignore the obvious.
I found it interesting that the Supreme Court upheld the Partial Birth Abortion Law that contains a life of the mother exception.
How strange it is for me to receive an editorial from The Times in Great Britain on the day after more than 30 people were gunned down at Virginia Tech. Strange because the title of the commentary is “Abortion: why it’s the ultimate motherly act.”
The horrific story of Nicole Marie Beecroft and the tragic fate of her newborn baby is a shocking story and a dire warning.
in this issue: hot button issues: CONGRESS AND STEM CELLS / EMILIO / JUDIE BROWN’S BOOK / NATIONAL PRO-LIFE T-SHIRT DAYabortion: SOUTH DAKOTAactivism: FATHER WESLINcatholic bishops: DEWANEcatholic colleges: DETROITmorning-after abortion… Read More »Communique – Apr. 13, 2007
It was with a heavy heart that I read the headline from an Austin, Texas television studio this evening. Terminally Ill Toddler Scheduled to be Removed from Life Support.
It’s often hard to watch the daily news as story after story of children abused and neglected flashes across the screen.
I am sure you have heard by now that pro-abortion quasi-Catholic Rudy Giuliani is attempting to appease pro-lifers by suggesting that he intervened on behalf of Terri Schiavo in order to save her life.
I am not asking a rhetorical question in today’s blog headline. In fact I am asking one of the most serious questions ever asked about a human being whose fate is placed in the hands of a scientist.
As the United States Senate begins debate on two different pieces of human embryonic stem cell research legislation, it is worth noting that, despite the semantics, both bills pose serious threats to preborn children.
As the Senate begins debate on two different pieces of legislation it is important to note that there really isn’t any difference between the two.