Ridiculous Rudy
I am sure you have heard by now that pro-abortion quasi-Catholic Rudy Giuliani is attempting to appease pro-lifers by suggesting that he intervened on behalf of Terri Schiavo in order to save her life.
I am sure you have heard by now that pro-abortion quasi-Catholic Rudy Giuliani is attempting to appease pro-lifers by suggesting that he intervened on behalf of Terri Schiavo in order to save her life.
I am not asking a rhetorical question in today’s blog headline. In fact I am asking one of the most serious questions ever asked about a human being whose fate is placed in the hands of a scientist.
As the United States Senate begins debate on two different pieces of human embryonic stem cell research legislation, it is worth noting that, despite the semantics, both bills pose serious threats to preborn children.
As the Senate begins debate on two different pieces of legislation it is important to note that there really isn’t any difference between the two.
It is with a certain amount of surprise that I noted Cardinal Roger Mahony’s strong rebuke of California House Speaker Fabian Nunez. While Nunez claims to be Catholic he is also the chief architect of the proposed physician assisted suicide bill currently being debated in the California legislature.
Whenever I am asked what is the most effective way to stop Planned Parenthood I always give the same response: Be a peaceful, prayerful presence outside its clinics.
in this issue: hot button issues: JUDIE BROWN’S BOOKcatholic heroes: LUFKIN, TEXASplanned parenthood: THEIR WORST ENEMYstem cell politics: MISSOURIterri schiavo: BOBBY SCHINDLERzinger: NOT REALLYreminders: AMAZING DVD / NATIONAL PRO-LIFE T-SHIRT DAY /… Read More »Communique – Apr. 5, 2007
An Associated Press headline on a Missouri news story caught my eye yesterday. It reads: “Anti-abortion lawmakers oppose anti-abortion measure.”
Three cheers for Father Joe Kannampuzha and Father Bill Slight! These two Texas priests are about the business of doing something to end abortion.
When we are children, our parents instruct us about life. Why the grass is green. How to shop for groceries. Why we have to pay taxes.
Many of us who are veterans in the pro-life movement understand the demeaning nature of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) and the underlying philosophy which suggests that men and women are equal in every way. And I do mean every way!
I am so excited by the recent activities that have taken place in the Archdiocese of New York where faithful Catholics have been pulling out all the stops in their quest to encourage Cardinal Edward Egan to make it clear to Congressman John Hall