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ALL president questions Cardinal McCarrick

“Retired Cardinal Theodore McCarrick’s taking issue with an article written by St. Louis Archbishop Raymond Burke is but another example of the cardinal’s unwillingness to consider the far-reaching ramifications of permitting sacrilege,” said Judie Brown.

The Lesser Of Two Evils Is Still Evil

Many columnists and reporters are very upset with the governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger. They claim that his recent action in signing a bill ordering, among other things, public schools to allow boys to use girls rest rooms, is a sign that he has “blatantly attacked tradition family values.”

Cardinal Mc Carrick’s Dance With Dissent

I am personally in a state of more than irritation over the most recent remarks of retired Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. For the life of me, I cannot understand why the media would report the garbage I am about to tell you in the first place, but here it goes.

Abusing the English Language

When you’ve been involved in pro-life activities as long as I have, you can remember the wonderful Knights of Columbus effort, 25 years ago, to add the words “born and preborn” to the end of our Pledge of Allegiance.

Communique – Oct. 5, 2007

in this issue: hot button issues: CONNECTICUT / CONTRACEPTION / INDIANAabortion: GEORGIAactivism: ALVEDA KINGeuthanasia: OREGONpersonhood: KILLING ROE V. WADEplanned parenthood: MICHIGANvaccine: MERCKviolence: MISSOURIreminders: LIFE CHAIN / SAVING THOSE DAMNED CATHOLICS / ULTRASOUND VIDEOreflection for… Read More »Communique – Oct. 5, 2007

Plan B Gone

Isn’t it about time that everybody who can read English understand the meaning of words and get their story right when it comes to explaining how the morning after abortion pill actually works?

Going For The Gold

My good friend John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute is a brilliant attorney who has come to see the value in pursuing statewide personhood bills in each and every state in America.

The devil wins in Connecticut

When I read the news, my first thought was, “This can’t be true!” But unfortunately, it is. The Connecticut Catholic Conference caved in to political pressure and agreed to provide the morning-after pill to victims of sexual assault when “appropriate testing” is used to determine that the victim is not already with child.