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There Goes my Heart …

While a lovely name for a song, the phrase “There goes my heart” has taken on new meaning in light of a recent study that suggests the use of the birth control pill is potentially more dangerous to the heart then originally thought.

Freedom Divorced From Moral Law

A recent news report from New Jersey affirms the wisdom of Pope John Paul II’s warning that once the moral law is disregarded in a society, there is no true freedom but only anarchy or worse. Such is the case with a new law in New Jersey.

Mexico City Policy

I note that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has published an advertisement addressing the “sensible” nature of the Mexico City Policy and why Congress should maintain it.

Brotherly Love

The most amazing story was reported this weekend by the British news source, Daily Mail. It seems that when Mary Jones was ten weeks pregnant she found out that she was expecting twins.

Baby Steps Dvd — Help Us Save Babies

I just discovered your “Baby Steps” DVD. I am buying it to bring to sidewalk counseling. I would like to suggest that you start a campaign letting people know that they can use this DVD with a laptop or portable DVD player to show women coming into the abortion clinic.

Polling For Morality

The recent poll on birth control in school brings me to a startling discovery: parents really do not want the responsibility for raising their children as chaste, pure persons who want to wait for marriage to engage in procreative relations.

Is March of Dimes Pro-Abortion?

The March of Dimes campaign kicked off National Prematurity Awareness Month in addition to naming November 16 National Prematurity Awareness Day. The obvious implication is that the March of Dimes knows some things about premature births that it wants to share. However, this “awareness” campaign has a hidden secret: Scientists have long been aware of one factor influencing prematurity that seems to have escaped the March of Dimes’ attention. That factor is abortion.