Three reasons to pray harder and work with more vigor
Here we go! I am going to list three bad news items, all reported on the same day, and all equally representative of the culture of death.
Here we go! I am going to list three bad news items, all reported on the same day, and all equally representative of the culture of death.
Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri currently faces 107 criminal charges stemming from 29 alleged unlawful late-term abortions.
I just heard from my good friends at the Thomas More Law Center. It seems that our best pro-life law firm is going to sue Oregon’s secretary of state and attorney general. The reason will astound you.
I am always so impressed with local news reports on Life Chain, which in my opinion is one of the most powerful pro-life witnessing events we have in our nation today.
Many parents in Westchester, New York are rightfully furious over the explicit sex brochures that were part of a Wellness Fair run by the Westchester County Department of Health and attended by their pre-teens.
Recent remarks by retired Cardinal Theodore McCarrick are a reminder of the tragic situation that exists within the Catholic Church these days.
in this issue: hot button issues: KANSAS / MAINE / MAP ROOMabortion: FATHERHOOD / NURSE AS ABORTIONISTcatholic bishops: NIEDERAUER / SAMPLE / SHERIDANcatholic colleges: HOLY CROSSeuthanasia: LIVING WILL / TIMELINEin… Read More »Communique – Oct. 19, 2007
“The early media coverage of the criminal complaint against Planned Parenthood in Kansas has focused on the politics of the situation,” said Andrew Flusche, JD, legal researcher at American Life League.
“Today we are making available an exclusive new web tool that will serve as a guide for pro-lifers across the country who desire to conduct peaceful activities in front of each Planned Parenthood location in the nation,” said Judie Brown, president of American Life League.
Every day something seems to crop up in the news that makes me so grateful to be 63 years old instead of a young mother or father.
“If King Middle School in Portland, Maine distributes contraception to 13-year-old children, school officials are encouraging illegal activity,” said Andrew Flusche, JD, legal researcher at American Life League.
I recently read an excellent column by Charlotte Allen on the forays of certain presidential candidates with their favorite, charity, Planned Parenthood.