Schizophrenia Abounds
Sometimes when I read a sentence in a news report, like the one I am going to quote to you, my head hurts! I simply cannot understand how any thinking person could possibly be so duplicitous.
Sometimes when I read a sentence in a news report, like the one I am going to quote to you, my head hurts! I simply cannot understand how any thinking person could possibly be so duplicitous.
When we first heard the news about the breakthrough in stem cell research I was, frankly, quite leery. So often we have seen scientific news, proclaiming some “ethical” marvel that has turned out to be nothing more than a step further down the road toward evil. But this latest news is for real!
It is always a blessing to read good news, particularly so close to a holiday where we traditionally praise God in thanks for all that He has done for us.
Headlines yesterday were enough to send me into a state of total disbelief. It seems that there are far too many people involved in the pro-life effort who cannot see why the only goal worthy of our effort is personhood
in this issue: hot button issues: CIVILITY / PLAN B / SEXUAL WISDOMabortion/breast cancer: MEDIA SILENCEcatholic bishops: COLORADO / KENTUCKYcongress: BROWNBACK / PENCEconscience: NEW JERSEY / WASHINGTONmorning-after abortion pill: CLARIFICATIONplanned parenthood: FLORIDA… Read More »Communique – Nov. 16, 2007
The bishops tell the reader that, “The direct and intentional destruction of innocent human life from the moment of conception until natural death is always wrong and is not just one issue among many.”
When a bipartisan group of American Catholics signed on to an innocuous document entitled “A Catholic Call to Observe Civility in Political Debate,” my initial reaction was based on the horrific nature of the rhetoric.
“As the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops gathers this week for its semi-annual meeting, we hope the bishops will give serious attention to the crisis our Catholic hospitals are facing,” said American Life League president Judie Brown.
It’s Monday, November 12, and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is hosting a national meeting of the nation’s bishops this week. We need to pray for our bishops during this meeting.
Just when you think you are going to have a nice Friday, some inane news item crosses your desk, and it just irks you. At least that is what happened to me.
“I strongly take issue with the group of lay Catholics that seems to be saying it’s okay for those who publicly support the sin of abortion to receive the sacrament of Holy Eucharist,” said American Life League president Judie Brown.
in this issue: hot button issues: PRO-LIFE STRATEGYabortion: ALASKA / OPINION POLL / RU-486catholic bishops: OF CHRIST AND CAESARcatholic nurses: OHIOmiracle: TWINSEPARABLEmorning-after abortion pill: HORMONAL BOMBvaccines: GARDASILzinger: PRO-LIFE POLLINGreminders: SAVING THOSE DAMNED CATHOLICS /… Read More »Communique – Nov. 9, 2007