American Life League Congratulates Colorado Personhood Initiative
American Life League has worked tirelessly to focus attention on the personhood of the preborn child for the past 30 years.
American Life League has worked tirelessly to focus attention on the personhood of the preborn child for the past 30 years.
Dr. Marie Anderson, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the Tepeyac Family Center in Fairfax, Virginia, will be one of the medical experts speaking at American Life League’s press conference for Protest the Pill Day ’08: The Pill Kills Babies.
Headlines can make us nuts sometimes; the particular headline I noticed today was nearly impossible to comprehend. Let me explain why before I tell you a bit about what I have subsequently learned.
When I read the special news report by John–Henry Westin on Kansas Catholic Archbishop Joseph Naumann I said a silent prayer of thanks to God!
Recently, on my EWTN Pro-Life Forum an Avon lady wrote in about her serious concerns regarding the alliance Avon had with a certain feminist organization.
American Life League – the nation’s largest pro-life educational organization – is proud to welcome the Peace, Justice & Human Life Committee of the Pontifical College Josephinum as the newest member of American Life League’s Associate Program.
After the gruesome find in the Dumpster behind abortionist Alberto Hodari’s Woman Care facility in Livonia, Michigan, one might wonder if anything more heinous would ever be found.
Mother’s Day is a wonderful time to honor our mothers who have done so much for us. Our mothers carried us in their wombs for nine months, brought us into this world, raised us and helped to form us into who we are today.
Shortly after the gruesome discovery of aborted babies in a Dumpster behind Dr. Alberto Hodari’s Womancare abortion facility in early March, Citizens for a Pro-Life Society discovered the mutilated bodies of aborted babies in another Dumpster at Women’s Advisory Clinic in Livonia, Michigan, owned by Dr. Reginald Sharpe.
When American Life League launched the new web site,, we fully expected to get some very interesting e-mail comments from the public.
It has been a source of ongoing sadness to read of the difficulties Lauren Richardson’s father has had over the course of the past several months.
There have been many occasions when I have realized that the use of one or two innocent words entirely transformed the meaning of a sentence.