Grassroots Pro-Life Victory! Wal-Mart Tells Planned Parenthood: Not in Our Parking Lot
A Wal-Mart parking lot in Richland, Washington was the latest front-line in the battle against abortion-giant, Planned Parenthood.
A Wal-Mart parking lot in Richland, Washington was the latest front-line in the battle against abortion-giant, Planned Parenthood.
Since my first days in the pro-life movement, more than 35 years ago, I have learned a great deal about rhetoric and how it can deceive even the most well meaning of people.
Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion chain in the country, has teamed up with a Wal-Mart Supercenter, an affiliate of the largest retailer in the country, in an effort to supersize its campaign to sell sex to children.
The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life has just released its new findings on Americans and their attitudes toward religion, God and doctrine.
Some of the most curious things in our topsy turvy world have to do with man’s inability to comprehend the reality of evil and how it twists everything, including the words we use in our daily speech.
When Catholic youth around the world converge in Sydney, Australia for World Youth Day, they’ll be handed condoms in an attempt to protest the pope’s unwavering opposition to abortion, contraception and homosexuality.
Those who make their living by taking the lives of preborn babies and generally deceiving or otherwise victimizing the mothers of those babies are individuals who, at least in my opinion, already have a credibility problem.
A Pew research survey released June 23 found that 92 percent of Americans believe in God and a majority consider religion an important part of their lives. Fifty-eight percent of Americans pray every day.
My goodness, I said to myself, it is about time that I actually blogged about something totally and in every respect POSITIVE! I know you will agree, and so I want to introduce you to one of the most powerful pro-life apostolates in the entire world: the Sisters of Life.
Lately, there have been a few headlines that have stunned and grieved me. It is when these things come to my attention that I must muster certain level of optimism before I can begin to write about them or comment on the effect such tragic situations have on the culture and our pro-life work.
Bishop Francis X. DiLorenzo of the Diocese of Richmond, Virginia is under fire for allegedly covering up a scandal in which Commonwealth Catholic Charities of Richmond, now under federal investigation, falsified documents and paid for a 16-year-old to have an abortion in January.
In what is fast becoming known as the “abortion capital of Europe,” Britain saw the number of abortions performed on girls under 14 rise by 21 percent and is considering legislation to increase the availability of contraceptives and sex education to solve the problem.