My Beating Heart
I never had the honor of talking to Dr. Bernard Nathanson. But someone told me once that he asked Dr. Nathanson about his remorse after performing thousands of abortions.
I never had the honor of talking to Dr. Bernard Nathanson. But someone told me once that he asked Dr. Nathanson about his remorse after performing thousands of abortions.
Semantics (from Greek sêmantiká, neuter plural of sêmantikós) is the study of the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text.
In a pathetic attempt to cover up the fact that morning-after pills, emergency contraceptives and most birth control pills are actually early-term abortions, the abortion lobby is now attempting to redefine pregnancy.
Osama bin Laden is killed by U.S. special forces in a suburban compound not far from Pakistan’s capital.
A recent headline brought a chilling awareness that life is no longer valuable at any stage. The headline from a British newspaper reads, “Fearful elderly people carry ‘anti-euthanasia cards.
Cynthia Tucker’s April 13 column, “Abortion is black genocide? Nonsense of course” is itself the nonsense.
After working out some of the issues with rolling out group tagging and point allocations in the 2011 NPLTW photo contest, we finally are able… Read More »Holy Family Armata Bianca takes first place in the group competition!
Judie Brown, cofounder and president of the American Life League, was appointed by John Paul II to two consecutive five-year terms on the Pontifical Academy for Life.
Abortion is an intrinsically evil act that gravely violates the dignity of an innocent human being by taking his or her life.
On Feb. 18, 2011, with bipartisan support, the House of Representatives passed the Pence Amendment, which would end taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood.
I recently watched the classic movie Poseidon Adventure (1972 version) about a beautiful luxury ocean liner that is turned upside down by a fast-moving wave with little or no warning—a visual of how quickly the storms of life can overrun us.
On Saturday March 12, 2011, the city of Phoenix celebrated its 28th annual St. Patrick’s Day parade downtown and, for the 20th consecutive year, “Clowns… Read More »ALL of Arizona Joins Clowns for Life in St. Patrick’s Day Parade