What a Tangled Web We Weave
On March 29, Children of God for Life put out a startling press release that has raised the eyebrows of even the most liberal thinkers.
On March 29, Children of God for Life put out a startling press release that has raised the eyebrows of even the most liberal thinkers.
News items tell us that the state of our national attitude is declining when it comes to the subject of respect for the dignity of the human person. Obvious to some, the social fabric of the nation continues to deteriorate.
Remember the days when eleven-year-old kids were learning all about geography, diagramming sentences and finishing long division problems in their fifth grade classes? I do but, sadly, those days are long gone.
Another disturbing silent eugenic article appeared this week in the United Kingdom. New official guidelines in the United Kingdom state that teenagers around
America’s first black president vows government shutdown before cutting funds to nation’s abortionist-in-chief
President of oldest Catholic pro-life group praises USCCB call for cutting funds to nation’s #1 abortion provider
America’s first black president vows government shutdown before cutting funds to nation’s abortionist-in-chief
A “helium hood” is the latest innovation from the sidelines where folks seem ever more committed to designing their own way of dying.
Some age-old debates within the pro-life movement just don’t seem to ever get resolved. Currently there are two separate issues on the front burner that contradict the very essence of why we claim to be pro-life.
Call your Senators on Wednesday, April 13, to say “Defund Planned Parenthood!”
National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day started nine years ago on Monday, April 28, 2003, with the idea of choosing a day and having every pro-life student in America wear a pro-life shirt in order to show unity for our cause.
In an editorial entitled, “Planned Parenthood says funding loss means closing health centers,” PP of Northern New England CEO Steve Trombley snivels and whines about proposed state and federal budget cuts that would eliminate or lower Planned Parenthood taxpayer funding.