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Aborting Honesty with Factoids

Norman Mailer, the author to whom the creation of the word factoid is credited, explained that factoids are “facts which have no existence before appearing in a magazine or newspaper, creations which are not so much lies as a product to manipulate emotion in the Silent Majority.”

Notre Dame’s Fixation on Dissent

Every time I see a headline that contains the words “Notre Dame” I wince. I remember that awful experience two years ago involving President Obama, an honorary degree and a commencement address.

OBL v. APB–Murderer v. Murdered

Newscasters have been focused on a man they refer to as OBL—Osama bin Laden. Whether it’s spelled Osama or Usama, the fixation on this notorious terrorist since his death has been incessant.

My Beating Heart

I never had the honor of talking to Dr. Bernard Nathanson. But someone told me once that he asked Dr. Nathanson about his remorse after performing thousands of abortions.


Semantics (from Greek sêmantiká, neuter plural of sêmantikós) is the study of the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text.