ALL Expresses Outrage over Suppressed Evidence of Possible Born Alive Infant Harvesting
The company, StemExpress, which is one of the biotech companies that PP is partnered with to harvest their fetal tissue and sell it.
The company, StemExpress, which is one of the biotech companies that PP is partnered with to harvest their fetal tissue and sell it.
The recent news and videos of Planned Parenthood’s trade in the selective crushing of human babies and then sale of their harvested body parts have horrified us all.
Most have already heard—and seen at least part of—the startling video taken by the Center for Medical Progress of Deborah Nucatola, MD, senior director of medical services at Planned Parenthood Federation of America. In that video she describes in nauseating detail the involvement of Planned Parenthood in carefully selecting and selling various types of dead human fetal body parts after performing their abortions on women.
My heart aches today. This new video gives witness to a train wreck of human tragedy.
This past week has been bizarre. First we heard from Politico that the Obama Department of Justice was considering a probe of the Center for Medical Progress.
David Daleiden is president of the Center for Medical Progress. David and his courageous organization have recently released two undercover videos exposing the horrific truth that Planned Parenthood sells the “parts and pieces” of the children it murders through abortion for profit.
By Rob Gasper recently broke a story concerning nearly $3 million in funding from Catholic Relief Services (CRS) to an abortion and contraceptive providing agency named Population Services International (PSI).
The past couple of weeks have filled the airwaves with the truth about what Planned Parenthood’s many medical practitioners do to “serve” the public.
ALL’s vice president, Jim Sedlak, was quoted in a number of media publications in the continuing fallout from the Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal including the DelhiDailyNews and NewsWithViews.
The undercover videos taken at meetings with Planned Parenthood executives continue to dominate pro-life news this week. A second video was released by the Center for Medical Progress this past week and it is as damning as the first.
From left to right, the car’s bumper stickers read: “Hatred is Not a Family Value,” “Celebrate Diversity” (in rainbow colors), and “Obama-Biden.” Collectively, these refreshed my growing fear that I should soon “celebrate” certain lifestyle choices or suffer the consequences. There was once another option, but memory of it is fading rapidly like an image in my rear view mirror.
In the recent reports about Planned Parenthood’s selling of baby body parts, a particular research group at the forefront of using human cells for scientific research has come to our attention.