An Open Letter to Cardinal Dolan
In a recent interview with David Gregory on Meet the Press, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, past president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, lamented that U.S.
In a recent interview with David Gregory on Meet the Press, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, past president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, lamented that U.S.
Over the last week, there has been much in the news that Plan B, and similar products that use the drug levonorgestrel
American Life League has issued well-documented reports exposing CCHD grants to organizations that promote abortion, contraception, homosexuality, and Marxism.
Conference of Catholic Bishops elected Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Ky.
Following on Pope Francis’ recent statements regarding charitable work in the Catholic Church, American Life League renews its call for Catholic poverty-fighting groups to end ties with pro-abortion organizations.
American Life League publishes open letter to Catholic Relief Services
he case just got stronger for defunding Planned Parenthood.
A new meta-study released this week by American Life League concludes that “Planned Parenthood grows increasingly dependent upon government funding for survival.
Contrary to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America public relations and lobbying message, there is no correlation with PPFA community presence and reduced teen pregnancy.
For years, conservatives and pro-life groups have fought public tax dollars going to Planned Parenthood.
CRS continues to issue statements that it is being unfairly “attacked” regarding the groups it funds.
he official international aid arm of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has “no business giving money to organizations that work directly against the Church.