National Pro-Life Leader to Speak Thursday in Charlottesville, Virginia
Planned Parenthood in Charlottesville Must Close Its Doors
Planned Parenthood in Charlottesville Must Close Its Doors
Vatican Synod on the Family encouraged to address issue of Planned Parenthood
American Life League, the nation’s largest Catholic pro-life grassroots organization, says that four other pro-life organizations are participating in the Defend the Family campaign.
Buoyed by its partial success in getting After Tiller off the air in some PBS markets and rescheduled to later times in others, American Life League is calling for continued pressure on PBS.
Late-Term Abortion Propaganda to Air on Labor Day
In anticipation of the Vatican’s October 2014 Synod on the Family, American Life League is launching a new campaign called Defend the Family.
Granddaughters of Pro-Life Leader, Judie Brown, write open letter response to Jenny Kutner, Salon author of “I’m Having an Abortion this Weekend.
Celebrate Life Magazine, the premier publication of American Life League, will be featuring the inspiring story of 12-time paralympic gold-medalist Jessica Long in its forthcoming July-August issue.
The Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision in the Burwell v. Hobby Lobby case has caused a bit of consternation among pro-abortion fanatics.
While on the surface today’s Supreme Court decision in the Hobby Lobby case appears to be a victory for religious liberty.
Today’s unanimous decision of the United States Supreme Court, striking down the buffer zone law in Massachusetts
As the American public becomes more aware of Planned Parenthood’s real operations, the organization has no choice but to close down its facilities