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Death with Dignity? According to Whom?

We are all created in the image and likeness of God. Because of His goodness, we are brought into the world. We are never to end a life, even because of a terminal disease. Many people and organizations will have us believe otherwise. They encourage us to die with “dignity” yet they don’t seem to truly understand the meaning of the word.

The Real War on Women

A short video not only inspires, but shows the truth about the world in which we live a world where babies are systematically murdered. It will open your heart; it will open your mind.

The Big Scare in Obamacare

People are made in the image and likeness of God and have intrinsic value. Human life and human dignity must never be compromised especially not to save money. As we see more and more what Obamacare does, we start to realize just how we and our loved ones are in jeopardy.

The Great Sadness of the Brittany Maynard Story

Cherish life each and every life. No matter how small, no matter how sick. God holds us all in the palm of His hand and loves us more than we will ever know. He treats us with compassion and wants us to do the same to our fellow human beings. We must never forget this.

The Doggie in the Window; the Baby in the Grave

Some things in life are difficult to understand, but the fact that a baby lives and grows inside his mother is not one of those things. What is difficult to understand is why hundreds of thousands of people have cried out about the life of one dog. Where is the outcry for the thousands of babies killed every day? Where are our priorities?

Morphing the Hideous into the Status Quo

We have spent too much time allowing others to dictate our morality while we simply sat back and watched events unfold. And we have plummeted into a selfish society where the sanctity of life has been discarded and forgotten. How many more souls will be lost if we let this continue?

Hypocrisy and Zero Tolerance Policies

Our culture has become one of violence violence toward women, toward children, and toward innocent preborn babies. This disregard for human life and the well-being of others is disturbing, and a trend we must right before our society falls deeper into the chasm of self-destruction.

Death Peddlers Have No Shame

Those who kill preborn babies may have no shame, but we who fight to give voice to these innocent children certainly do. We watch in horror as minute after minute, day after day, and week after week, babies are killed and discarded. The trail of blood is sickening and it’s a trail that we must work unceasingly to stop.