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‘Volunteering’ to Die

The life of a human being is something that should be treasured, valued, and respected. Yet we don’t see that in today’s society when it comes to a tiny preborn baby, a terminally sick individual, an elderly person, or anyone deemed unworthy or unwanted. More often than not, these people are seen as expendable or better off dead. We must change this twisted mindset.

A Human Being Dies Every Time!

The loss of preborn life that we see or hear about on a daily basis should not be a difficult concept to understand. When a child is created, and his life is then snuffed out whether it’s through one of the several types of abortion or in a lab setting the truth remains that a life has been lost. Each and every one of these babies must be mourned; we must never forget a single one of them. Hence, we must always realize that our language matters both written and spoken. Lives depend upon this

Little Boy Blue

While you expect to see commentary by yours truly on Fridays, it is my pleasure to surrender my “space” to our director of American Life League”s Defend the Faith project, Michael Hichborn. His insights on Cardinal Sean O Malley are clear, passionate and, at the same time, loving. The nursery rhyme “Little Boy Blue” is more than apropos.

January 22 Again

Next week we honor the millions of children slaughtered needlessly at the hands of abortionists. It’;s the perfect time to remember the importance of actions and the necessity of speaking for those who have been silenced. And, as we look around us at the March and in our homes, may we be energized by the faces and actions of those who dedicate their lives to the sanctity of every human being.

Rapists, the Law, and Their Victims

Today we hear a tragic story of violence that resulted in the creation of a beautiful, loved child. But the story doesn’t end there. What happens next will shock you and cause outrage. Yet it also gives hope.

Sorry, Baby, You Don’t Exist!

Spilled coffee, ice having to be scraped off of a windshield, and a fender bender on the way to work all are scenarios that cause inconvenience or that we wish hadn’t happened. But, just because we didn’t intend for them to happen, does that mean they don’t exist? Of course not. So why, when a baby is created intentionally or unintentionally people think of him as nothing more than an inconvenience? How can a baby’s life be likened to something like one of the scenarios above? And how can people have the audacity to think that no life exists when one clearly does?

The Cuomo Effect: Catholic Bishops, Politics, and Christ

Defending Christ in the Eucharist is something that no clergy should be afraid to do. When we receive His most precious body and blood, we must do so reverently and free from mortal sin. This includes all Catholics and anyone who calls himself a Catholic. To receive Our Lord in any other way is sacrilege.

Finding Peace

Peace begins at home. But what happens when we willfully destroy the home and the people in it? As a society, we are in trouble, for there is a war being waged upon us. And if we don’t arm ourselves properly, we will lose this war. But the reality is that we will lose so much more than that.

A Positive Year Leads to a Bright Future

As another year closes, we take a few moments to reflect upon the blessings bestowed upon us. We offer a prayer of thanks for our faith, for the power of Our Lord, and for the people who have helped effect change. And we look forward to a year filled with many more blessings a year where we hope to see lives spared, hearts opened, and souls saved.

Archbishop Fisichella: Please Apologize

Recently, a meeting of the Pontifical Academy for Life occurred in Vatican City. It was suggested by some members of the Academy prior to the meeting that there could be a bit of “fireworks” due to the questionable statements that had been made by Academy President Archbishop Rino Fisichella during the previous year.

Values, Acts of Torture, and Obama

Though we may hear news stories that disturb us, let us not lose perspective. There are stories we rarely hear, stories of torture that happens every day in our country. We cannot forget the tiny cries that come from mouths that have been silenced all too soon.