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Values, Acts of Torture, and Obama

Though we may hear news stories that disturb us, let us not lose perspective. There are stories we rarely hear, stories of torture that happens every day in our country. We cannot forget the tiny cries that come from mouths that have been silenced all too soon.

Tolerance of Evil Is Not Freedom

Freedom is a word used and abused on a daily basis a word used for people’s own selfish purposes. But Christ came here and died for us, for a freedom many don’t understand. So what does this word really mean?

Babies, Plan B, and Abortion

In many things in life it’s prudent to have a backup plan a contingency for when things may not go as you had hoped or expected. Such is not the case when it comes to the life of a child. This child, created in the image and likeness of God, is a human being from the very moment he is created. Emergency contraception can take his life. And that is no backup plan.

False Narratives a Pox on America

We’ve heard a lot about excessive force lately. But, in reality, those who fight day in and day out for preborn babies know all too well another meaning of excessive force. We see each and every day the slaughter of countless babies, yet this lawful practice is allowed to continue. What can be worse than excessive force perpetrated upon the smallest and most innocent of all?

Archbishop Blase about Sacrilege

Receiving the body of Christ nourishes the mind, body, and soul. Communion must be received with reverence and upon a soul free from mortal sin. Our clergy cannot take this responsibility lightly and must teach the importance of this from the pulpit. For if they do not, who will?

Caring for the Dying Means Not Intentionally Killing Them

Caring for a sick or dying loved one is stressful and confusing in itself, but add the stressors of dealing with a doctor or hospital who may not have the patient’s best interests at heart, and it becomes even more traumatic. Questions abound and answers must be sought. But where to begin? Today’s commentary offers help and a light in the darkness.

Give Thanks for Christian Heroes

As we approach Thanksgiving, we reflect upon the things and people in our lives who give meaning and who inspire. The people mentioned in today’s commentary work daily to save not only lives, but to save souls. And in the process they touch hearts and minds.

Salivating at the Gates of Hell

Each day we have a choice. Follow where society seems to be leading away from morality and the laws of God or follow God. Yet we cannot simply be followers. We must also lead. We must lead our children, our grandchildren, our neighbors, our friends, and even people we don’t even know. Our society wants us to turn our backs on morality and live in the moment. But we know that we must live for eternity.

Abortion, Honesty, and Amnesty

It’s no wonder people are confused and even ambivalent about the horrors of abortion. They receive mixed messages on a daily basis from organizations like Planned Parenthood, from the Obama administration, and from baby marketing companies that are just concerned with their bottom line. We have elected people whom we hope will vote pro-life. Now is the time to hold them to it.

Cardinal Burke Prey to Office Politics

Catholics all over were disappointed with the recent news about the reassignment of Cardinal Raymond Burke, and we can’t help but wonder what the future holds. Let us always remember his faith and his unwavering adherence to Church truths. And let us hold not only him, but the Church hierarchy, closely in our thoughts and prayers.