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Babies Twisting in the Wind

Imagine being utterly helpless, wanting to cry for somebody-anybody-to come to your aid. Yet no one can hear you. No one comes for you; you are incredibly alone. And then suddenly there is intense pain and you can cry no more.

Making Babies without God

When people become blind to Church teaching and put their wants and needs above Our Lord’s, they lead their souls into jeopardy. It is not only then that our leaders should step in and intervene, but before this mentality takes hold. In a world saturated with selfishness and the absence of God, we desperately need leaders who lead.

Men for All Seasons

Controversy appears to have adopted a different framework, and we now have a new adaptation of what it means to be outside the mainstream.

Catholic Bishops Who Dishearten

Catholic leadership often creates a level of discomfort among those of us who believe that today’s culture wars require saints and martyrs rather than politicians masquerading as bishops and priests.

A Child Is Never a Burden

Though fear and worry may dominate a parent’s emotions upon finding out that a child may have Down syndrome, or another genetic abnormality, the birth and sight of their sweet baby allows them to see what a true miracle is each and every child. Today’s commentary shows the unconditional love of a parent through three different people and it reminds us that a child is never a burden.

The Vatican’s Own Colonel Mustard

When we encounter a mystery, we must examine the clues, look at all the evidence, and make a decision based on what those things tell us. We have a bizarre mystery at hand, and we must sift through all the clues to find the truth. What exactly is that truth?

Archbishop Cordileone and the Lost Sheep

Why is it that people feel they must argue with and protest against a Catholic leader who is standing firm in his faith, who is teaching others to do the same? Our faith was given to us by Christ. Our faith is precious. It’s time we treat it as such and it’s time we treat those who instruct us with the respect they deserve.

Contraception Is the Root Cause of Abortion!

Imagine that your doctor has just given you the terrific news that your annual checkup went well and that all of your tests show that you are in perfect health. Then imagine that he hands you a script and says, Take this every day. It has many side effects, including lethal ones. You would be loath to begin this regimen. Yet, this is what countless women do each day when they use contraception to prevent a pregnancy.