Consent For What?
I think I have read enough about what informed consent (or the lack thereof) means when dealing with the expectant mother who is trying to decide whether or not she will be the mother of a living child or a dead child.
I think I have read enough about what informed consent (or the lack thereof) means when dealing with the expectant mother who is trying to decide whether or not she will be the mother of a living child or a dead child.
Oh my! The Washington Times article, Politically divergent groups call for dialogue about sex, happens to be a news report about 18 organizations that are calling “for a common vision — and more dialogue — on sexual health and public policy.”
One scientist recently proclaimed that the “rhythm method” may kill off more embryos than “other” contraceptive methods.
The statistics are frightening. Our children are being exposed to lifestyle decisions that will lead to serious diseases. One of those diseases is the Human Papilloma Virus.
There was some very good news published recently by a German cancer research center. Medical News Today reports, “Pregnancies lower breast cancer risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation Carriers.”
Astonishingly, and with no national fanfare, New Hampshire’s house and senate approved a bill, HB 656 that will permit the starvation of patients.
Planned Parenthood is hopping mad because a U.S. House Appropriations Committee voted 30-23 against a funding amendment that would have provided tax dollars to the United Nations Fund
Some things appear to change from time to time, when actually they usually remain the same. Such is the world in which one finds both errant Catholic leaders and antagonistic Catholic-baiters such as the Planned
Senator Bill First has said that there will be open debate this summer on the variety of stem cell research bills currently before the Senate.
The Alpha Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota has experienced a flood that has negatively impacted its ability to serve expectant mothers in the Sioux Falls area.
Many of us have wondered how a doctor can repeatedly act to kill a patient when the patient is suffering and requesting a quick death.
While not astonishing to read of all the new ways pharmaceutical companies have created to do away with natural bodily processes such as female menstruation, it is a bit disconcerting.