The Pontifical Council for the Family has issued a document focused on defense of the human family and exposing the assaults currently being perpetrated against the family.
One news report, Vatican: Family is Under Attack, quotes from the document: "Man of modern times has radicalized the tendency to take the place of God and substitute him. Never before in history has human procreation, and therefore the family, which is its natural place, been so threatened as in today's culture."
Further, "If a man takes on the power to fabricate man, he also takes on the power to destroy him. The human being has the right to be generated, not produced, to come to life not in virtue of an artificial process but of a human act in the full sense of the term: the union between a man and a woman."
It is always encouraging to see the Vatican repeat truth without apology and with consistency. Church doctrine does not accomodate human respect; praise God!