Courageous Honesty
On Christmas Eve Day of 2001, Santa Claus found my son at Children’s Hospital in St. Paul because he was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes – most people know this disease as juvenile diabetes.
On Christmas Eve Day of 2001, Santa Claus found my son at Children’s Hospital in St. Paul because he was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes – most people know this disease as juvenile diabetes.
Abortion cheerleaders continue denying that the morning after pill regimen, PLAN B, aborts, even though one of the pill’s biggest proponents, Dr. James Trussell, has defined it as a chemical that can interfere with the lining of the womb, thus making it impossible for the embryonic child to implant.
When I saw the Ms. Magazine invitation to join the new “We Had Abortions” petition campaign, the evil practically jumped right off the page.
Would you believe it if I told you that Ms. Magazine is campaigning for mothers who have aborted their children to sign a petition expressing their pride at that decision? Well, they are, and it really is disgusting.
It is really amazing to me that when the pro-abortion crowd is not getting their way, they always sue somebody. It’s as though they think that the lawsuit threat is going to send us all scurrying away.
I am often fascinated when reports on a topic converge within a very short period of time. You don’t often see mainstream media accounts that deal with the victims of abortion or human embryonic stem cell research.
I realize that we live in a world saturated with death and destruction. A glimpse of the evening news exposes the dead in Israel, the dead in Iraq, and the devastation in Syria. If it is not these conflicts, it has been others over the past forty years.
The pro-life effort to promote Senate passage of an unamended version of the Child Custody Protection Act is founded on a very false
Although the Planned Parenthood Federation of America has had a number of presidents over its 90 years of existence
We are saddened to read that President Bush is going to make certain that the research proposed in the Santorum/Specter bill (S. 2754) is pursued even though the bill failed in the house.
Congressman Henry Waxman would not get my vote for the most pro-life Democrat in Congress. In fact, quite the opposite is true.
Just have to say how elated we are here at American Life League that President Bush vetoed the tragic, deadly bill that would have put the government on record agreeing to pay for the intentional killing of our fellow human beings — embryonic children.