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Perfect Baby Please!

Startling but not surprising, reseachers have just announced a new rapid screening test using DNA fingerprinting to detect genetic disorders in embryos.

Brain Death Not Death

New Jersey’s Board of Medical Examiners is proposing language to loosen up on regulations regarding how a doctor goes about pronouncing a patient brain dead.

Why Does Pro Life Movement Exist?

In a rather interesting comment to the press, Americans United for Life President Clark Forsythe said, “Pro-life forces exist to change the law to protect human life state by state.”

How Long, Oh Lord?

The U.S. Catholic bishops made headlines today. In fact the headline I read said, “U.S. Catholic leaders approve changes in prayer.”

Safe Teens

The folks at Planned Parenthood are really getting under my skin. It was bad enough when my kids were teens, but now two of my grandchildren are teens and the situation is, as my grandchildren would say, gross.

Finally … Scheidler’s Sweet Victory

It is with the most joyful heart that I read the good news today that after twenty years of struggling against the National Organization for Women in defense of his integrity and his freedom of speech, Joe Scheidler has been exonerated by the courts.

Unthinkable Crimes

The Pontifical Council for the Family has issued a document focused on defense of the human family and exposing the assaults currently being perpetrated against the family.

Consent For What?

I think I have read enough about what informed consent (or the lack thereof) means when dealing with the expectant mother who is trying to decide whether or not she will be the mother of a living child or a dead child.